Toa O Aotearoa
It’s been more than a century since the mighty taiaha has been used in life-or-death combat. Now 10 brave men will fight with this ancient weapon in a new reality show on Māori Television that aims to find the ultimate Māori warrior.

TOA O AOTEAROA takes these men, already skilled in taiaha, to a secret location, and cuts them off from modern life to train as their ancestors did.
Carefully chosen from across New Zealand for their taiaha abilities, and aged from 17 to 56, the group goes through gruelling daily tests of strength, discipline, mental and physical stamina, and agility.
The winner of each challenge chooses an opponent to go up against the loser in the wheiwheia (one-on-one fight) of mau rakau (wielding the taiaha). This battle is held on a specially-constructed marae, where traditionally these disputes were resolved.
The fighters score points for full hits to the body, limbs and head, and the warrior with the least amount of points at the end of four, two-minute bouts is deemed to have reached his limits.
The sensei/judge is Wetini Mitai Ngatai (Te Arawa) and the referee is Tukiterangi Curtis (Ngāti Rongomai) who both hail from Rotorua.
The warrior left standing at the end of the 13-part series takes home a $10,000 prize and the title of TOA O AOTEAROA champion.
So join “TOA – Toa O Aotearoa” Maori television’s most intense reality program, as you are taken into the inner sanctum of Maori traditional weaponry